The Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body Ltd (VRFish) was founded in 1995 as the peak body advocating for and representing Victorian recreational fishers.
VRFish has a representative network of individual fishers and fishing clubs and associations across Victoria working collaboratively for the benefit of our recreational fisheries. In 2020, VRFish was endorsed as Victoria’s State Sport and Recreation Body.
Through our grass-roots, representative network of fishers and the extensive collaborative relationships built with our partners, VRFish is ideally placed to take action and tackle the challenges facing our recreational fisheries on behalf of Victoria’s 838,000 recreational fishers. VRFish is ever-evolving so that we are well positioned and responsive to the needs of the our stakeholders.
Whether it’s fish habitat, water security, fishing access and infrastructure or best practice, we work in partnership to make sure Victoria’s fishing experiences continue to improve, be sustainable and are more enjoyable for all generations of Victorians.