All posts tagged "Recreational Fishing"

  • VRFish Board Reels in New Talent

    VRFish, the recreational fishing peak body in Victoria, is thrilled to welcome our new Board members following our recent Annual General Meeting. VRFish Chairman, Mr. Rob Loats, said “We have

  • Victorian fishers reveal how they go fishing

    Have you ever wondered how other Victorians go fishing? In our recent advocacy priorities survey, we asked recreational fishers a range of questions which not only asked you to share

  • Advocating for better recreational fishing in Victoria

    Established as the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body, VRFish, is your independent voice representing Victoria’s recreational fishers since 1995. We are proud to be part of a huge and diverse

  • Record number of fishers reveal recreational fishing priorities

    VRFish has revealed the results from their advocacy priorities survey which received a record-breaking response from nearly 5,000 recreational fishers.

  • VRFish Making Fishing Better for Victorians

    VRFish, the peak body for recreational fishing in Victoria, is calling on Victorian recreational fishers to have their say on how we can make fishing better via the annual VRFish

  • Advocating on behalf of Victorian recreational fishers

    Established as the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body, VRFish, is your independent voice representing Victoria’s recreational fishers since 1995. We are proud to be part of a huge and diverse

  • Make fishing better in your local area

    There’s funding available through the Victorian Fisheries Authority if you have an idea to make fishing better in your local area. Maybe you’d like to see lighting installed at your

  • Victorian Recreational Fisher Priorities Revealed

    VRFish, the peak body representing Victoria’s 1,114,000 recreational fishers, has revealed the results from an annual advocacy priorities survey conducted with almost 5,000 recreational fishers. The survey received an overwhelming

  • Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation’s plan for better fishing

    The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) is the Australian peak body representing Australia’s 5-million recreational fishers at the national level. More than $10 billion is spent on going fishing every

  • New Fisheries Rules in 2020

    On 1 February 2020, some recreational fishing rules changed following the outcome of a review of Victoria’s Fisheries Regulations. We recommend getting your hands on the latest recreational fishing guide,

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