All posts tagged "citizen science"
Call for volunteers to contribute to eel study
Do you go fishing for eels? Are you interested in contributing to fisheries research? Then you might be able to participate in a PhD study at the University of Wollongong
The secret lives of kingfish in eastern Australia
Photo from Project Kingfish Facebook: Jason Taylor with 98cm kingfish tagged in Victoria Project Kingfish seeks to unveil the secret lives of yellowtail kingfish in eastern Australia. Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola
Mulloway Tagging Project records interesting recapture
Image from the Mulloway Tagging Victoria Facebook group: Brad Spiden tagged this 92.5 cm Mulloway from the Patterson River in March 2021 The Nature Glenelg Trust‘s Mulloway tagging project is
Fishing for Facts at Lake Colac
Are you keen to wet a line at Lake Colac in the name of science? Researchers from Federation University Australia are seeking volunteers to help study the health of Lake
Citizen Scientists are kicking goals in Victorian waterways
Waterwatch and EstuaryWatch have recently released their Annual Achievements Report showcasing the great work their citizen scientists have accomplished during 2020-21. The state-wide program has a vision to engage, activate
Mulloway Tagging Project Records New Recaptures
Image of Nic Tribonias from the Mulloway Tagging Victoria Facebook group The Nature Glenelg Trust‘s Mulloway tagging project is investigating broad-scale movement patterns of mulloway across Victoria and interstate. The
5 Million Recreational Fishers Empowered By Mobile App Technology
The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF), the recognised national peak body for recreational fishing, recently launched a new initiative the Tackle Box project. The Tackle Box project uses recreational fishing
Call for Offshore Citizen Scientists to collect Striped Trumpeter frames and data
We are embarking on a new pilot study to increase the knowledge of striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) in Victorian waters thanks to a successful Recreational License Fees (RFL) funded project. The
The Great Perch Search
The Victorian Fisheries Authority and a small group of specialist fishers from VRFish, ANSA, Essendon Angling Club and Greensborough Angling Club recently volunteered their skills and time to help improve
Tagged Whiting Caught in Western Port Bay
Image: Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron (BMYS) member Phil Goodier who fished with Brian Willis and their catch of 30 Whiting including the tagged fish Written by Brian Willis from Beaumaris