Have Your Say
As the voice of recreational fishing in Victoria we are the ‘go to’ organisation to provide comment and advice on a variety of matters that may affect the quality of recreational fishing.
Below are current consultation processes that have come past the VRFish office that we are consulting on. We encourage recreational fishers to participate and have your say. If there is a consultation process that does not appear and VRFish should be aware of, please contact us.
In addition, we will post ours surveys and polls conducted by VRFish to collect your views and opinions on certain issues.
Also, don’t forget to contact us if you have an issue or ideas how to make fishing better in Victoria. Drop us a line at [email protected].
2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan
Submissions close Sunday 6thΒ of April 2025
Planning for our waterways
The public consultation closes on 16 March 2025.
Report a Public Land Access Issue
If you have been locked out or blocked from accessing public land in Victoria, we want to hear about it. It could be a spot you’ve accessed that suddenly has […]
Goulburn-Murray Water Recreational Users Survey
The survey closes 30 March 2025.
Get in Contact with VRFish
At VRFish, we're always keen to hear from Victorian recfishers on any issues that are happening at your favourite fishing spots or local waterways, any concerns you have, or any ideas you have that will make fishing better in Victoria.
Submissions prepared by VRFish can be found on our Submissions Page.
Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal EES Scoping Requirements
ConsultationΒ closes 11 December 2024.
Help VRFish Return Access to Public Land
If youβve been locked out or unable to access a fishing spot on public land in Victoria, weβd love to hear from you. VRFish are calling on recfishers to share […]
Draft Great Ocean Road Regional Trail Strategy 2024 – 2034
The Great Ocean Road Region is home to a network of trails, nestled amongst breathtaking natural landscapes. The rich and diverse trail system in the region traverses the lands of […]
To view all previous Have Your Say consultations, click the button below.