All posts tagged "fish habitat"
VRFish Applauds Habitat Hero, Bob Pearce
Photo: (L) Anthony Forster, Fisheries Manager at the Victorian Fisheries Authority, and (R) Bob Pearce at the celebration of Kayakers Reef receiving Marine and Coastal Act consent. Bob Pearce is
Artificial Reefs Deployed in the Bay
When we think about targeting kingfish in the bay, there’s one place that’s at the top of our minds: the Rip. The ‘canyons’ in the Rip provide an ideal structure
OzFish making fishing better through better habitat
OzFish Unlimited have recently released their 2020-21 Annual Report which highlights the incredible outcomes they have achieved across the country. Recfishers know and value the importance of healthy habitat and
OzFish Bus Driving River Restoration in Mildura
OzFish Unlimited is dedicated to helping millions of Aussie recfishers keep their rivers, lakes, and estuaries healthy through protecting and restoring fish habitat. Recfishers know and value the importance of
Have your say on proposed actions to destroy recreational fishing and boating in Greens Lake Corop
Consultation closes on the 31st January 2022.
Our 2021 Annual Report is here!
What we have been up to this year? Making fishing better. Our latest news, member photos, clubs who support us, and our new board members are all waiting for you.
Fisheries Notice in Place To Protect Abalone Stock
The Victorian Fisheries Authority will be restricting diving for abalone and rock lobster around Cape Bridgewater and near Cape Nelson in response to the abalone disease outbreak. Victorian Fisheries Authority
Cape to Cape Resilience Project
The coastline around Inverloch, Venus Bay and Anderson Inlet is a beautiful and dynamic part of the landscape. Natural processes such as winds, waves, tides, currents and catchment flows move
VRFish pledges support for Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy!
We encourage recreational fishers to do the same. Your fishing will depend on it. The strategy identifies the big-picture changes required to build the resilience of the Catchment’s land, water,