All posts tagged "responsible fishing"
Are you a Shark Mate?
Photo: Jonah Yick Recfishers play a vital role in maintaining a healthy population of sharks, rays and other fish stocks. By understanding the different species and how to fish responsibly,
Sharken up your skills
Recfishers play a vital role in maintaining a healthy population of sharks, rays and other fish stocks. By understanding the different species and how to fish responsibly, you’re not only
Yabby Net Swap Over Scheme
VRFish, the peak body representing Victorian recreational fishers, welcomes the Victorian Government’s announcement of the exchange program for opera house nets. Enclosed yabby nets are already banned in all public
Fishers Supporting Platypus
VRFish, the peak body representing recreational fishers in Victoria has thrown its support behind the Victorian Government’s decision to phase out and ban the use of enclosed yabby traps, such