August 22, 2019
VRFish has been asked to provide the views of recreational fishers on the ray protection measures which were introduced by the Victorian Fisheries Authority in August 2017 through a management tool called a Fisheries Notice. Fisheries Notices need to be renewed every 12 months hence the requirement for public consultation.
The Fisheries Notice applies to only recreational fishers and the Victorian Fisheries Authority are not suggesting any changes from last year. The Fisheries Notice:
- prohibits the take or possession of rays greater than 1.5 metres in width
- reduces the bag limit to 1 per day
- prohibits the take of rays from or within 400 metres of any pier, jetty, wharf, or breakwater.
Download the Draft 2019 Ray Protection Fisheries Notice
What do you think? Here are some pointers to think about:
- Do you support the continuation of the Fishery Notice?
- Have the above rules had the desired affect to improve fish welfare of rays?
- What negative or positive impact has the Fisheries Notice had?
- Is the Fishery Notice still required?
- Does there need to be changes made to what it prohibits or restricts?
VRFish needs to formulate and submit a response by 13 September 2019. Please pass your feedback to [email protected] to help compile our response.
A Fisheries Notice is a management tool which can be implement promptly and in response to emerging fisheries management issues. Once approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Fisheries Authority, a Fisheries Notice unless revoked earlier are valid for a period of 12 months.
Photo: Mark D. Norman/Museum Victoria