February 11, 2022
We regularly hear from recfishers just how great the fishing is in the Bay now that the netters have been removed. Can you imagine what our fishing will be like if the remaining commercials have no limit on their bycatch?
VRFish is calling on recfishers to oppose a proposal by Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV) for their long-line commercial fishers to have an unlimited bycatch limit in Port Phillip Bay.
A bipartisan election promise in 2014 was to remove commercial netters from Corio Bay and Port Phillip Bay with 8 remaining as long-line fishers and allowed to catch 11 tonnes of snapper (per licence) only. The fishery resource was to be allocated to us, recfishers. This was the intent of parliament with the passing of the Fisheries Amendment Act 2015.
Now SIV have proposed to the Minister for Fishing and Boating that the remaining long-line fishers should have no limits on their bycatch. Further to that, Victorian Fisheries Authority have provided an unacceptable counteroffer of allowing 232 tonnes of catch. There has been NO consultation with the recreational sector. This is a clear breach of the consultation principles in the Fisheries Act 1995.
VRFish will not support either proposal. Tell the Minister Melissa Horne that you oppose this proposal from SIV and the VFA and will not accept any addition to the commercial sectors catch in the Bay.
Contact Melissa Horne via: [email protected]