
VRFish Victorian State Election Agenda (2022)

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

VRFish, the peak body for recreational fishing in Victoria, has launched a 4 point plan to make fishing better in the lead up to the Victorian State Election in November.

The plan was created following advice from almost 5,000 Victorian recreational fishers which we received earlier this year as part of our annual advocacy survey as well as during consultation with our VRFish members.

VRFish will continue to discuss the agenda with all State political parties in the lead up to the election to ensure the needs and aspirations of recreational fishers are strongly represented.

1. ACCESS | Making Fishing Better Through Improved Access

VRFish are calling for improved access outcomes, including:


  • Capacity increase for Arcadia Native Fish Hatchery to 100%
  • Snobs Creek Hatchery modernisation and upgrade
  • Stocking science program investigating effectiveness and outcomes


  • Revoke all unused road licences and reissue with statutory requirement for public access
  • Enforcement program on Crown Waterfront Land Grazing Licence statutory requirements for public access
  • Statewide Crown Waterfront Land access improvements investment program


  • Improved public access to Victorian Fisheries Authority’s stocked impoundments (Melton Reservoir, Lake Purrumbete, etc)
  • Requirement for public bodies to report placement of no fishing signs to Victorian Fisheries Authority


  • Economic contribution study (Recreational rock lobster)
  • Recreational Rock Lobster zone (Central Region)
  • Corner Inlet Fishery Access Licence Buyback (latent effort)
  • Recreational only species (Yellowtail Kingfish and Mulloway)


  • Increased Better Boating Victoria capacity to assist land managers and provide dredging at public recreational boating facilities
  • Investigate the annual cost of a centralised land management regime for public boating facilities in the Port Phillip Coastal Region

2. HABITAT | Making Fishing Better Through Better Habitat

VRFish are calling for the investment of $30 million over 4 years, into a dedicated habitat improvement fund for on-ground fish habitat actions benefiting our marine, estuarine and freshwater fisheries, including:

  • More living shellfish reefs
  • More riparian re-vegetation and in-stream habitat at the reach and priority stream scale
  • Mandatory fencing and off stream watering for priority streams
  • Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) water quality improvements
  • More fish passage & barrier removal, fish screens
  • Building capacity to lead, and participate in, fish habitat projects

Indicative project investment:

  • $2.1 million for a Corner Inlet Sea Grass Recovery Program
  • $6 million for extending living shellfish reefs in Victoria
  • $4 million for water sensitive urban design (WSUD) water quality improvements at family fishing lakes
  • $10 million for riparian rebuilding, increased connectivity and mandatory fencing
  • $1.5 million for statewide re-snagging projects for native fish
  • $3 million for Restoring Our South West Coastal Rivers
  • $2 million for irrigation screens to prevent the loss of native fish
  • $1.4 million for Maquarie Perch, Blackfish & Catfish recovery programs

3. WATER | Making Fishing Better Through Recreational Water

VRFish are calling for improved recognition of recreational water and outcomes, including:

  • Amend the Water Act 1989 to better recognise social and recreational uses and values of waterways
  • Review the legislative framework to allow for improved water supply to important recreational lake fisheries in wet years
  • Reinstate high security of supply allocation to 10 Wimmera Mallee Pipeline recreational lakes
  • Recreational user representation on all CMA Boards

4. BEST PRACTICE & PROMOTION | Improved Recreational Fishing through Best Practice & Promotion

VRFish are calling for investment in recreational fishing best practice and promotion programs, including:

  • Sustainable funding for VRFish
  • Stronger fishing clubs initiative
  • Regional recreational lure fishing education program
  • Responsible angling litter reduction program
  • Responsible tackle packaging best practice program
  • Expanded Naturally Vic responsible recreation campaign

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