November 15, 2019
This year’s Murray Codference has been announced by the Victorian Fisheries Authority. It’s all happening up in Shepparton on Sunday 8th of December. You will hear from:
- Keynote address from Rob Paxevanos including a sneak peek at his new DVD Total Native 2 featuring Lake Eildon
- John Cahill on new age baits for cod
- Graeme Dear giving on how to target bass and take advantage of Victoria’s exciting developing bass fisheries
- Native fish report cards from Dr Brett Ingram
- Native fish news on new hatchery, access and urban fisheries
- Relocating native fish from irrigation channels
Everyone that comes along receives a free show bag with a proceedings document summarising all the presentations, a Murray cod length/weight ruler and a Zerek Live Swimbait lure.
It’s all been put together thanks to the $35 million State Government’s Target One Million plan.
To get your free tickets head to