
Golden Tag Competition Postponed

Please note this article was published on 2 April 2020 and the information presented may no longer apply. Head to the Victorian Fisheries Authority‘s website for the most up-to-date information regarding the now ongoing Golden Tag Competition.

As Victoria recently moved to Stage 3 Restrictions to help manage the spread of COVID-19, the Victorian Fisheries Authority have announced that their Golden Tag competition will be postponed until further notice.

Launched on March 1, the Golden Tag competition aims to support bushfire affected communities in Gippsland and North East Victoria. Throughout March, over 20 lucky anglers reeled in prize-winning fish, including ten fishers who landed a $10,000 fish.

The Victorian Fisheries Authority have stated that any fish caught from 2 April 2020 onwards will not count towards a prize until the restrictions are lifted. The competition will resume once it is deemed safe to do so.

As of midnight 30 March, Victoria moved to Stage 3 restrictions. The direction from Government is if you can stay at home, you must stay at home. Stay at home, protect the health system, save lives.

For current information and updates regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) visit:

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