May 7, 2020
Late last year, we began advocating to save the Goulburn River from being treated like a water pipe to service water irrigators hundreds of kilometres away in the lower Murray.
It’s never been more important for recreational fishers to stand up for our native fish in the lower Goulburn River. Ridiculously high summer flows in recent years is ruining fishing and the Arthur Rylah Institute have detected a 30% reduction in young of year Murray cod during this high flows.
We welcome the Victorian Government saying enough’s enough and undertaking a review of the inter-valley water trading rules between the Goulburn River and the Murray River.
Consistently high flows in the lower Goulburn River are also causing erosion of the lower bank and the loss of trees and vegetation that stabilise the river banks. The loss of fish habitat and increased erosion means a muddier river and higher rates of siltation of deep refuge pools.
Consultation is open until 1 June 2020 to tell DELWP:
- Cold water pollution from inter valley transfer flows in summer is destroying our native fish populations we have worked so hard to recover in partnership with our fishery and catchment managers.
- High flows must be ceased over summer.
- Inter valley transfer flows are ruining your fishing experiences in the lower Goulburn River – and there are negative flow-on effects to local businesses that rely on recreational fishing.
- Recreational fishers support the recovery of our freshwater native fish and oppose activities that threaten their recovery.
- Irresponsible inter valley trading is destroying critical fish habitat and doing irreparable damage to the river health of the lower Goulburn River.
You can also view VRFish’s draft submission compiled by recreational fishers on our Habitat and Water Reference Group. We have prepared a letter template that you can use for your submission.
Check out our Have Your Say page for more details on the Goulburn to Murray Trade Rule Review consultation and supporting documents. You can have your say by:
- completing DELWP’s online survey accessed here.
- emailing your concerns and comments to [email protected]
VRFish strongly feel that Victoria is being penalised for good water management. Prior to 2013-14, the average amount of water delivered by the Goulburn River to the Murray as part of Inter Valley Transfers averaged 60GL. It has now increased to 320GL in 2017-18 and 433GL in 2018-19.
We need as many recreational fishers as possible to voice their strong concerns as part of the consultation.
If you missed one of the public information seminars delivered by DELWP you can view the video below.