November 2, 2020
An election commitment to remove the express prohibition on camping in section 401A of the Land Act 1958, for water frontage public land under licence, has seen a misinformation campaign launched by the Victorian Farmers Federation to spook land owners into thinking it means unfettered public access to private property amongst other spurious claims.
This is unfortunate, as the proposed legislation does nothing more than removing the express prohibition in the Act and requiring any camping on crown land to be subject to strict regulations.
Should the Bill pass the upper house the lengthy process of discussing what sustainable camping on crown water frontage should look like, or even where its not appropriate, will begin with VRFish consulting our members and stakeholders.
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There is a lot of bulldust floating around about camping on water frontage licenced crown land.
The amendment to remove the express prohibition on camping in section 401A of the Land Act 1958 is just that. There is a big difference between what an Act of Parliament states is not prohibited and how and when any activity can actually occur.
The wording of section 401A makes it clear that regulations would need to be made to even allow camping to happen. Current public access to water frontage licence crown land is also regulated.
It’s clear that camping cannot suddenly explode everywhere if the Bill is passed.
Making any camping regulations would involve a long and tedious process that includes everyone having a say in how they want the regulations to operate (including putting our heads together on how to better deal with idiots).
The amendment doesn’t mean the public suddenly have access to private property. That’s a lie.
Below is a quick check list of what is and what is not fact: