April 4, 2022
Recfishers along the Victorian border with New South Wales have been calling for reciprocal licences for many years.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) have now taken the first steps towards a reciprocal licence with New South Wales. Following the successful 12-month trial at Lake Hume in 2021, consultation is now in progress on licence exemptions for NSW recfishers keen to wet a line at Lake Hume. As many will know, Lake Hume is a waterway along the Victorian/NSW border that is managed by Victoria.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority hope that this is the first step towards a reciprocal licence with NSW and that in return, NSW will accept a Victorian fishing licence for Lake Mulwala and the entire Murray River.
The consultation process aims to formalise the arrangements through a regulatory exemption for NSW fishers.
Please provide any comments regarding the draft Fisheries Notice in writing, by no later than 30 April 2022, to Michelle Wenner, Senior Fisheries Manager, via email: [email protected]