
Respect dolphins while on the water

Dolphin Research Institute | Dolphin Distancing campaign

Our bays provide dolphins with shelter, food and a safe space to birth and raise calves. Dolphins are naturally curious creatures and will often approach you when out on the water.

This summer, the Dolphin Research Institute is asking boaters to commit to dolphin distancing.

Dolphin Distancing is about committing to being respectful around our dolphins and doing the right thing by giving them space on the water.

The commitment to dolphin distancing includes taking these simple steps while on the water:

  • Don’t approach dolphins closer than 100m (boats including paddled craft), 300m (Jet Skis) or 30m (swimmers).
  • Dogs should be kept 300m away from dolphins.

If you see someone doing the wrong thing, please report it to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on 136 186.

Dolphin Distancing Campaign

Learn more about the Dolphin Research Institute here.

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