All posts tagged "Recreational Fishing Licence Fees at Work"
Call for Offshore Citizen Scientists to collect Striped Trumpeter frames and data
We are embarking on a new pilot study to increase the knowledge of striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) in Victorian waters thanks to a successful Recreational License Fees (RFL) funded project. The
New Projects Funded Through Fishing Licence Fees
Every year, all revenue from Victorian’s recreational fishing licence fees is reinvested to projects that will make fishing better in Victoria. Minister for Fishing and Boating, Jaala Pulford, announced the
Victorian Fishers Motor into Golden Era
Most fishers are probably more concerned with going fishing than politics but you can’t escape the reality the two collide. When state and federal elections come around they are an opportune
Habitat Success in King River
The King River in the King Valley is fast becoming a hidden gem for Victorian recreational fishers after the success of a fish habitat enhancement project which has seen the
Habitat Headlines Better Fishing Plan
VRFish, the peak body representing Victoria’s 838,000 recreational fishers, welcomes with enthusiasm the latest election commitments from the Liberal-Nationals Coalition. It is evident that calls from VRFish have been heeded
EOI for Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group
The Victorian Fisheries Authority is seeking nominations from recreational fishers to play a critical role in deciding how our recreational fishing licence fees are re-invested back into our sector to
Mulloway anglers: the new citizen scientists
by Lauren Veale, Nature Glenelg Trust At a very early age, I was introduced to the world of fishing (thanks mum and dad) and vividly remember catching my very first
Translocating River Blackfish in the Tarwin River Catchment
By Renae Ayres, Arthur Rylah Institute Ask a recreational fisher which fish species they most prefer to catch in rivers and common responses are Trout, Murray Cod, Estuary Perch .
Port Phillip Bay Sand Flathead
By Ross Winstanley There’s probably not been a more important investment of Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) funds in marine fisheries research than the study by a Fisheries Victoria research team