March 13, 2020
VRFish have been invited to provide feedback on the draft Native Fish Recovery Strategy by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
The Australian and Basin State Governments have been developing a Native Fish Recovery Strategy to recover native fish for future generations. The draft Strategy is now open for public submissions to shape the outcomes, actions and priorities for the recovery of native fish.
The online submissions process will be open from 10 March until 14 April 2020 – with the draft Strategy available for review on the MDBA Get Involved website:
Feedback will be incorporated into the final Strategy due for release in early May 2020. Alongside the final strategy, the Murray–Darling Basin Authority will also publish a summary of feedback and public submissions on the draft Strategy.
Drop VRFish a line on [email protected].au to submit any feedback before the 14 April 2020.