
Fund to Deliver Better Boating in Victoria

Legislation for the Better Boating Fund has passed through the Legislative Council to ensure that every dollar from our marine licences and boating registrations will be reinvested back into recreational boating each year.

The Better Boating Fund, a key commitment from the 2018 State Election, will see the Government invest in the recreational boating industry through maintaining boat ramps, funding education programs, and increasing participation through promotion.

The details of the amount collected through marine licences and boating registration will be reported back to Parliament along with a breakdown of which recreational boating projects were funded and how much was spent on each project.

VRFish called for the full return of boating licenses and registrations funds as part of sweeping reforms to vastly improve the governance and management of Victoria’s boating infrastructure and facilities.

We are delighted the fund has been established because prior to 2018, we estimate on average only $3 million was being invested in our boat ramps from our funds. The Better Boating Fund will now see approximately $31 million available each and every year to be invested to improve our boating and fishing experience.

In addition to the establishment of the Better Boating Fund, the Government has informed VRFish they will be developing a Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy through consultation with recreational boaters.

This strategy will be an important overarching plan to ensure boating facilities can meet the needs and aspirations of fishers and boaters after years of neglect.


The Government are currently seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to be considered for the Ministerial Boating Roundtable.

The Ministerial Boating Roundtable will be established for the planning and development of the Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy. This will include addressing long-standing issues faced by recreational boaters and outlining priority areas for future boating investment through the Better Boating Fund.

The Better Boating Fund is a key election commitment from the last state election. The Victorian Government have recently introduced legislation to establish the fund which is set to receive all revenue from marine licensing and boat registration fees and be reinvested into improving boating safety and facilities. The new Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy will inform how the Better Boating Fund will be allocated.

To apply for the Ministerial Boating Round Table, interested applicants must complete the survey.

Applications close Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 23:59pm.

For more information visit:

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