December 16, 2022
We’ve received the following update from the Bayside City Council advising that Brighton’s North Road/North Point boat ramp and car park are reopened to the public.
The North Point car park and the North Point boat ramp reopened for community use on 9 December 2022. We amended our plans for the carpark so it could be reopened to the public as soon as possible.
The temporary car park surface has raised the level of the car park by approximately 20cm (around the height of a standard speed bump) and we have reinstated kerb edges and line marking. Boat and trailer users should use care when moving through the car park to help protect this temporary car park surface.
We continue to work with the EPA and landowner DELWP to replan our full future upgrade of the site, with consideration of the complex soil conditions. We will keep you informed of any future works which may affect public use of the carpark and boat ramp.
Further information about the project is available on the Bayside City Council website.
The upgrade is part of the North Road Foreshore Masterplan