
National fishing survey to confirm benefits of recreational fishing

The National Recreational Fishing Survey (NRFS) is identifying the range of economic and social values of fishing for fishers, businesses and communities across Australia.

The survey will measure the impact recreational fishing has on health and wellbeing on fishers, what benefits recreational fishing has in comparison to other outdoor activities and what barriers typically prevent people from experiencing the benefits of recreational fishing. 

The study is being conducted through a collaborative partnership involving researchers from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, the University of Canberra, and BDO EconSearch. The study is funded by the Australian government and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

This survey will endeavour to find evidence to support the long-held belief by many experts that spending time outdoors, particularly in natural environments has many benefits to physical and mental health. 

Diagram of what we already know

For recreational fishers, this study may seem to have an obvious outcome, as it is common for fishers to say that fishing makes them feel good and is vital to their survival! 

The study will also measure the economic contribution recreational fishing has on the economy, including the direct value of expenditure on recreational fishing and the ‘flow-on’ expenditure generated by recreational fishing. 

For more information about the survey, please visit

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