
VRFish celebrates declaration of Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan

VRFish congratulates Minister Dimopoulos and celebrates the declaration of the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan 2024.

This management plan is the fourth for the Victorian rock lobster fishery since 2003 and replaces the previous plan declared in 2017.

The Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan 2024 is a solid management plan focussed on rebuilding the Rock Lobster fishery through strict targets for the commercial sector and accurate reporting of catch for the recreational sector.

The vision of the management plan is “A fishery underpinned by best practice management that sustains a healthy resource to support the values and objectives of all users and the wider community now, and into the future.

The objectives for the Rock Lobster Fishery as outlined in the management plan are: 

  • Objective 1: Ensure the sustainability of the rock lobster resource 
  • Objective 2: Optimise community benefit of the rock lobster resource 
  • Objective 3: Ensure best practice cost-effective participatory management 
  • Objective 4: Sustain the ecological integrity of the fishery ecosystem 
  • Objective 5: Enhance community trust, respect and value of the fishery 

This plan was developed through intensive consultation and guided by an independently chaired stakeholder-based steering committee. VRFish sat on both the Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan steering committee and resource assessment group.

VRFish, Scuba Divers Federation of Victoria, VRFish Dive Fisheries Reference Group members and two nominated recreational fishing representatives all worked hard to provide input into the management plan and rock lobster fishery management objectives.

The Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan 2024 is available for viewing on the Victorian Fisheries Authority’s website.

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