
Victoria’s prospectus for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan

The Victorian Government are asking the community to help shape the Victorian Government’s approach for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan sets limits on how much water can be used for irrigation, drinking water and industry to ensure the long-term health of the environment. The Basin Plan was signed into law in November 2012 under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007.

Without the Victorian Government’s support, changes were made to the Basin Plan in 2023 that provides the Commonwealth Government with more power to purchase water and also amended the socio-economic protections for communities that were previously agreed to by all states and the Commonwealth Government. These changes mean that an additional 750 gigalitres could be recovered across the Basin by the Commonwealth Government. There is limited detail on how this will occur and how it will be managed.

The Victorian Government are seeking comment from the Victorian community about their approach to implementing the Basin Plan in the state.

On the Engage Victoria website, you’ll find a copy of the prospectus and fact sheets as well as a link to the survey to have your say.

Consultation closes at 11.59pm on Sunday 16 June 2024.

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