November 25, 2024
Do you go fishing in Westernport? Then Have Your Say on the Draft Scoping Requirements for the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal – Environment Effects Statement (ESS).
The Port of Hastings has been selected by the Victorian Government as the preferred location for the establishment of the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal.
On 11 October 2023, the Minister for Planning determined under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (EE Act) that Port of Hastings Corporation is to prepare an environment effects statement (EES) for the proposed Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal project.
The Draft Scoping Requirements for the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal – Environment Effects Statement (EES) set out the proposed specific matters to be investigated and documented in the EES.
The purpose of the EES is to provide a sufficiently detailed description of the project, assess its potential effects on the environment and assess alternative project layouts, designs and approaches to avoid and mitigate effects.
Does the EES scope look into the things that are important to recreational fishers and their fishing?
Read through the draft scope on the Engage Victoria website and have your say via the online survey on the Engage Victoria website. Consultation closes 11 December 2024.