December 9, 2024
Goulburn-Murray Water are calling on the community to have their say to help shape the future of recreational areas managed by the water corporation.
The Background
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) is Australia’s largest rural water corporation and manage 23 water storages. Of the 23 storages managed by GMW, 18 are determined recreational areas and provide benefits to the community through access to land and water for recreation and creating opportunities for tourism.
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) have recently developed the Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023 (the Regulations). The Regulations apply to recreational areas that are registered and managed by water corporations and apply to 40 of Victoria’s water storages.
A key feature of the Regulations is the need for water corporations to develop Recreational Area Management Plans (RAMPs) for the Determined Recreational Areas they manage.
A Recreational Area Management Plan (RAMP) is a comprehensive document designed to manage and support the sustainable use and protection of water resources at a water storage that is used for recreation. Each RAMP includes detailed information on area management, public access rules, and permitted activities.
RAMPs are in development for the 18 Determined Recreational Areas managed by GMW through consultation with Traditional Owners (TOs), local government Authorities (LGAs), catchment management authorities (CMAs), special interest groups (SIGs), local community members and recreational visitors.
The RAMPs currently in development are: Goulburn Weir, Greens Lake, Laanecoorie Reservoir, Lake Buffalo, Lake Dartmouth, Lake Eildon, Lake Eppalock, Lake Hume, Waranga Basin, Yarrawonga Reservoir (Mulwala – Vic side). GMW aim to have these RAMPs completed by August 2025.
The RAMPs to be developed in the future include: Cairn Curran Reservoir, Hepburns Lagoon, Lake Nillahcootie, Lake William Hovell, Mildura Weir, Newlyn Reservoir, Torrumbarry Weir and Tullaroop Reservoir.
According to GMW, the RAMPs are living documents and will be updated as conditions and stakeholder needs change. They will be formally reviewed every 10 years.
Have Your Say
An online survey is currently open for recreational users to share what you value most about the recreational areas at the water storages managed by GMW.
Feedback provided will help GMW to support facility improvements, better understand changes in recreational needs, enhance visitor experiences, and inform future projects.
Have your say via the online survey:
The survey closes 30 March 2025.