
Lake Eildon Waterway Rules Update

Do you go boating at Lake Eildon? Then it’s time to have your say!

Goulburn-Murray Water is seeking feedback on changes being proposed to the Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules (VOZR) at Lake Eildon.

Why are the rules changing?

Safe Transport Victoria (STV), has introduced statewide speed limits to all waterways in Victoria. Known as the State Rule, the State Rule specifies the following for Inland Waters:

Unless otherwise specified in a Schedule, the master of a vessel must not cause or allow the vessel to be operated on any inland waters at a speed exceeding 5 knots:
a) within 50 metres of the waters’ edge; or
(b) within 50 metres of a fixed or floating structure in or on the water (including a wharf, jetty, slipway or boat launching ramp); except in an access lane.

The introduction of the State Rule has superseded existing waterway rules.

What rule changes are being proposed?

GMW is proposing the following rule changes as part of the review for Lake Eildon:

  • removing five (5) knot zones in inlets where the State Rule is sufficient,
  • amending existing five (5) knot zones, and
  • amending or adding sign and buoy locations to better identify five (5) knot zones, no wash zones, vessels prohibited and no powered vessel zones.

In addition, new aids to navigation and educational materials will be produced to improve awareness and reinforce safe operation on Lake Eildon.

GMW will be holding face-to-face and online information sessions throughout September where you can learn more, ask questions and provide feedback.

Find out more and have your say here.

Public consultation is open until 30 September 2024.

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